*it's all about ME! :D theCRAZYone,
gh0st07 tagboard
BRIAN credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Friday, September 01, 2006
haha.. today very fun..went with shiwei to ps to meet darling. reached there at 130 so went to eat lunch first. as usual i always indecisive of wad to eat. then in the end went to eat dessert again. but this time is hot dessert. shiwei eat fishball noodle soup. but very funny cos her noodle the auntie gave her meepok. so meepok in soup! hahaaa =XXX after a while darling came find us. darling gave shiwei her purple dress. the one she bought for sis monica's wedding. then only wear once.. supposed to catch LOVE WRECKED at cineplex at 215. when we left ps alr 2 le. somemore rainingg.. the rain so heavy lorr. darling and me ran in the rain to cineplex.. then end up both of us all quite drenched... go there buy tix. we sit in the 2nd row from the front.. the movie very nice... the ger very pretty lorr. and i like her skin colour.. abit tan tan de... the ending oso very nice.. bought hot cocoa to drink at starbucks.. cos got $5 voucher. left cineplex then went into a THIS FASHION shop on the way. darling make me try alot of clothes today.. then she bought one pink colour top for me.. PINK!!!! haiyoo.. darling dun waste money k!!! homee..... playing game with shiwei noww.. im gonna win her!! i dun care!!! humph!! xDDDDDDDDDDD |