*it's all about ME! :D theCRAZYone,
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BRIAN credits
Layout: lyricaltragedyPattern: tillyness |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
was reading darling's blog on priorityy. was thinking of my priorityy...my first priority is God! second priority is the person i love. third priority is my family. fourth priority is my cg members and my friends. hmm there are some ppl in my life that i'll not forget. 1. chenli (darling) - darling is someone that is always there for me. she is also the one that i shared most of my feelings to. she is like my teacher, super-patient, giving me advices when i needed. she is willing to be there for her friends, thou she might not be free. my so called shopping kaki. so darling must smile more. 2. jiahui (lil turtle) - turtle is my boss, and one of the most kelian person i think, cos he everytime will kana bully by me. the best thing is that he seldom get angry. then whenever i not free, he'll help me with my stuff. he's like my pillar, my support, someone that will listen me complain 24/7. so turtle must be strong! but its okie to b weak every now and then. continue sharing ba. 3. shiwei - shiwei is one of the longest friend that has been with me all this while. she's someone that will give her time to others, and concern abt the ppl ard her. she likes to smile alot, and this will make others' day. so shiwei gotta jiayou. continue bringing smiles onto other ppl's faces. 4. jane - jane is someone i treasure most in school. another person that listens to me alot and understands wad im going thru. she's been helping me since i entered poly. a smart ger that is not selfish, and willing to teach others. so jane must continue striving in wadever you do, and rem that u are not studying cos u have to. go, pursue ur dreams!! 5. jefferson - jeff is a person that i used to treasure alot alot. someone that used to be closest to me, but now furthest away from me. someone that led me to God. juz hope that u'll do well in wadever you do. there are still good friends that i enjoy being with. ppl like rubez, carolyn, candice, cynthia, jocelyn etc.... thank God for everyone... =DD |